SOS International is a white label assistance partner

SOS International delivers travel and roadside assistance to Nordic policy holders all over the world on behalf of our customers.

From alarm centres in Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Finland we provide acute personal assistance all over the world.

Read about our core areas

Accreditations and certifications at SOS International

Quality, information security, data protection and compliance comprise are some of the most important parameters for the success of our business. 

This is underlined by our numerous accreditations and certifications, such as ISO27001 (information security), in ISO9001 (quality management) and in ISO14001 on environmental management in the Technical Division.

Compliance in SOS International

COVID-19 travel advice: Getting ready to travel abroad

COVID-19 has changed international travel, and many countries have implemented special rules and restrictions.

SOS International has gathered travel advice for travellers who are dreaming of a summer holiday outside the country's borders.

Get COVID-19 travel advice here

Celebrating more than 60 years of assistance

At SOS International, we take pride in the fact that we help people each day around the clock – and have been doing so for the past 61 years.

Read more

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Are you interested in business opportunities or partnerships within our core business areas?

Contact us to learn more about how we can add value to your business.

How we add value

SOS International secures the value chain on behalf of our customers as a trusted partner to provide the optimal end-user experience taking the total cost for our customers into account.

What we offer

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