Self-service options on
SOS International's website

File an insurance claim

Here you can apply for a refund or report damages occurred during travel which is covered by your private travel insurance. File a claim online here (in Danish): 

File a claim

Expat or business traveller, please file a claim here

Frequently asked questions

Below we have listed the most common questions related to travel insurance issues.

What to do if I turn ill on the day I was about to travel?
You have to contact your travel agent, the airline company and hotel or landlord as fast as possible if you have to cancel a journey because of illness. Contact your doctor to provide documentation of your illness immediately after the cancellation.

For how long is the cancellation insurance valid?
Your cancellation insurance is valid until the moment your journey begins. After this, you can’t make use of it.

What kind of documentation does the insurance company need from my doctor in case of cancellation?
Your illness or injury must be documented in a reasonable way. As a rule this means that your illness or disease requires treatment. This is why you must as soon as possible after an illness or an injury occurs contact your doctor to have the required documentation. Your doctor must complete a sick note which can be downloaded on this website. If you have been to the emergency room or at the doctor at the emergency service you can choose to send in the report from the emergency room or the doctor’s record as documentation. What is most important is that the diagnosis is clear and that the treatment received is documented.

When should I submit the claim at the latest?
An injury or illness must be reported to SOS International within three years. SOS International recommends that you report your injury or illness as fast as possible and preferably immediately after the injury. In this way you will be able to provide SOS International with all relevant information.

What do I do if my luggage disappears?
If your luggage is missing when you arrive by plane you must immediately contact the airline company. They will issue a PIR-report to search for your luggage. When you have the PIR-number you can report the case to SOS International.

When do I get reimbursed for delayed luggage?
As soon as you have received your own luggage you can send your receipts to SOS International. You can file a claim on our website. The sooner we receive your claim the sooner you will have your expenses covered.

Expatriated or business traveller

This service is for expatriates working abroad or those travelling on business abroad.

If you want to apply for a refund on your insurance, please follow the link to our online application form for expats and business travellers below. You can also read more about our expat services. 

File a claim

About our expat services

Medical pre-assessment

A preliminary medical assessment can determine your insurance coverage, if an existing disorder needs treatment during your trip. Check your coverage before departure here.

Start medical pre-assessment

About medical pre-assessment

Tell us what you think

We would very much like to hear from you with respect to positive and negative experiences with us. Please note that this is for non-urgent matters only.

Give feedback

Access to medical records

You can request access to your health information and medical records registered at SOS International pursuant to the Act on Healthcare.

Requests will be handled within 7 working days.

Request access

More information

Health information include patient charts and medical records written by SOS International’s healthcare staff and / or medical records received from other healthcare staff or healthcare facilities.

Who can be granted access
You can always request access to your own health information. If you request access on behalf of another person you have to meet certain conditions in order for access to be granted (power of attorney). As a parent, you can get access on behalf of your child (under the medical age of majority) if you can document your affiliation.

How will the request be answered
You will receive an answer by e-mail.

When can you expect an answer
Requests for access to health information will be answered within 7 working days. If it is not possible for SOS International to answer your request within the deadline, SOS International will contact you.

Your personal data

You can request for access to, deletion and rectification for your personal data registered at SOS International or withdraw a given consent pursuant to the General Data Protection Regulation.

Requests will be handled within one month.

If you only wish to access your medical records, please use “Access to medical records” above.

Request for access, deletion of rectification

Withdraw consent

More information

Personal data is all your personal information registered at SOS International.

Who can request for access, deletion or rectification of personal data or
withdraw a consent?
You can always request access to your own personal data.

According to the General Data Protection Regulation, you have the right to
request for erasure (deletion) of your personal data registered at SOS
In several situations, SOS International is entitled or required to store your
personal data in accordance with legislation. This means that in many
situations SOS International will not be able to meet your request for erasure
before the requirements for storage set out in legislation have expired.
We process information about you for as long as necessary in order to
achieve the purpose for which it was collected. We do not store the personal
data in a manner, which enables identification, for a period which is longer
than necessary for the purpose for which the personal data is legitimately

You have the right to get inaccurate personal data rectified (corrected) by
SOS International. If you become aware that SOS International has registered
information about you that is not right, you can get it rectified.
Withdraw consent
If you have given your consent to processing your personal information in
connection with your case/enquiry at SOS, you have the right to withdraw
your consent. If you withdraw your consent, this will only concern our future
processing of your personal information. After withdrawal of your consent,
SOS will terminate processing of your personal data based on your consent as
soon as possible. However, this does not apply if SOS is required to process
your information according to law.

Access, deletion or rectification of personal data or withdrawal of a consent
on behalf of another person:
If you request access, deletion or rectification of personal data or want to
withdraw a consent on behalf of another person you have to meet certain
conditions (power of attorney or documentation of affiliation).

How will the request be answered?
You will receive an answer by e-mail or mail.

When can you expect an answer?
Requests for access, deletion or rectification to personal data will be
answered within a month. If it is not possible for SOS International to answer
your request within the deadline, SOS International will contact you.
Withdrawal of a consent will be handled by SOS International as soon as

How to exercise other data rights

Read more about your rights here.


Give us your consent

When you make a request for payment from your insurance company, you are obligated to provide your insurance company with all available and relevant information.

SOS International acts on behalf of your insurance company, and you are therefore obligated to provide SOS International with all information of importance for the assessment of your case and determining the indemnity.

About consent

To assess your insurance request, we need your health information. Your doctor may with your consent disclose personal data relating to your health. This follows from health legislation. Insurance companies and others may furthermore disclose your personal data in accordance with other legislation for example in order to seek recourse from other parties.

Disclosure of personal data
SOS International also needs your consent to disclose necessary personal data in order to secure the correct handling of your case, including managing the contact to the attending physician/hospital and taking care of your potential repatriation, and to passing on your claim form in order to seek compensation from other parties in the case (recourse and double insurance).

Withdraw your consent

You can always withdraw your consent
Your consent is valid for a year after signing the consent form. A copy of this consent may be given to everyone from whom SOS International needs to obtain personal data. If you regret your consent, you can always withdraw it. You have the right to access personal data which are processed and you can have any errors corrected.

Consent by SMS

You have the possibility to give Your Consent by SMS

Please send a SMS containing Case no. and the following text:

I hereby give my consent + your name

Please send the SMS to:

+45 2185 6244

Consent by email/fax

You have the possibility to give your consent by email/fax

Download consent declaration

Send by mail to

or by fax +45 7010 5056

We help you when you need it
- where you need it 

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